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martes, 30 de octubre de 2012

Diccionario de Les Luthiers

INESTABLE: Mesa norteamericana de Inés.
ENVERGADURA: Lugar de la anatomía humana en dónde se colocan los condones.
ONDEANDO: Onde estoy.

CAMARÓN: Aparato enorme que saca fotos.
DECIMAL: Pronunciar equivocadamente.
BECERRO: Que ve u observa una loma o colina.
BERMUDAS: Observar a las que no hablan.
TELEPATÍA: aparato de TV para la hermana de mi mamá.
TELÓN: Tela de 50 metros ... o más.
ANÓMALO: Hemorroides.
BERRO: Bastor Alebán.
BARBARISMO: Colección exagerada de muñecas barbie.
POLINESIA: Mujer Policía que no se entera de nada.
CHINCHILLA: Auchenchia de un lugar para chentarche.
DIADEMAS: Veintinueve de febrero.
DILEMAS: Háblale más.
MANIFIESTA: Juerga de cacahuetes.
MEOLLO: Me escucho.
TOTOPO: Mamamífero ciciciego dede pepelo nenegro que cocome frifrijoles.
ATIBORRARTE: Desaparecerte.
CACAREO: Excremento del preso.
CACHIBACHE: Pequeño hoyo en el pavimento que está a punto de convertirse en Bache.
ELECCIÓN: Lo que expelimenta un oliental al vel una película polno.
ENDOSCOPIO: Me preparo para todos los exámenes excepto para dos.
NITRATO: Ni lo intento..
NUEVAMENTE: Cerebro sin usar.
TALENTO: No ta rápido.
ESGUINCE: Uno más que gatorce.
ESMALTE: Ni lune ni miélcole..
SORPRENDIDA: Monja en llamas.

sábado, 27 de octubre de 2012


Real eyes
real lies.

jueves, 25 de octubre de 2012


"Un error común es pensar que una realidad es la realidad. Siempre tienes que estar preparado para abandonar una realidad por otra mayor."~Madre Meera

“One common mistake is to think that one reality is the reality. You must always be prepared to leave one reality for a greater one.”
~ Mother Meera

miércoles, 24 de octubre de 2012

La paradoja

"Procrastino como si no hubiera un mañana"

martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Back to everyday life...

I am speaking only of what I have experienced for myself, and I wish to repeat that drugs of this kind are in no sense bottled and predigested wisdom. I feel that had I no skill as a writer or philosopher, drugs which dissolve some of the barriers between ordinary, pedestrian consciousness and the multidimensional super consciousness of the organism would bring little but delightful, or sometimes terrifying, confusion. I am not saying that only intellectuals can benefit from them, but that there must be sufficient discipline or insight to relate this expanded consciousness to our normal, everyday life...

Alan Watts

Triptamina, halucinógenos y conscienci, T.M.

"I'm describing something I hope is more profound than that. As nervous systems evolve to higher and higher levels, they come more and more to understand the true situation in which they are embedded. And the true situation in which we a
re embedded is an organism, an organization of intelligence on a galactic scale. Science and mathematics may be culture-bound. We cannot know for sure, because we have never dealt with an alien mathematics or an alien culture except in the occult realm, and that evidence is inadmissible by the guardians of scientific truth. This means that the contents of shamanic experience and of plant-induced ecstasies are inadmissible even though they are the source of novelty and the cutting edge of the ingression of the novel into the plenum of being.

Think about this for a moment: If the human mind does not loom large in the coming history of the human race, then what is to become of us? The future is bound to be psychedelic, because the future belongs to the mind. We are just beginning to push the buttons on the mind. Once we take a serious engineering approach to this, we are going to discover the plasticity, the mutability, the eternal nature of the mind and, I believe, release it from the monkey. My vision of the final human future is an effort to exteriorize the soul and internalize the body, so that the exterior soul will exist as a superconducting lens of translinguistic matter generated out of the body of each of us at a critical juncture at our psychedelic barmitzvah. From that point on, we will be eternal somewhere in the solid-state matrix of the translinguistic lens we have become. One's body image will exist as a holographic wave transform while one is at play in the fields of the Lord and living in Elysium." ~Terence McKenna, Tryptamine Hallucinogens and Consciousness...
NT- se me han saltado las lágrimas de ver que lo que pienso no es pura fantasía, y que no soy la única...el grupo: siempre temiendo perderlo...

Computer simulation

Physicists say they may have evidence that the universe is a computer simulation.
How? They made a computer simulation of the universe. And it looks sort of like us.
A long-proposed thought experiment, put forward by both philosophers and popular culture, points out that any civilisation of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible.
And since there would therefore be many more simulations (within simulations, within simulations) than real universes, it is therefore more likely than not that our world is artificial.
Now a team of researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany led by Silas Beane say they have evidence this may be true.
In a paper named 'Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation', they point out that current simulations of the universe - which do exist, but which are extremely weak and small - naturally put limits on physical laws.
Technology Review explains that "the problem with all simulations is that the laws of physics, which appear continuous, have to be superimposed onto a discrete three dimensional lattice which advances in steps of time."
What that basically means is that by just being a simulation, the computer would put limits on, for instance, the energy that particles can have within the program.
These limits would be experienced by those living within the sim - and as it turns out, something which looks just like these limits do in fact exist.
For instance, something known as the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin, or GZK cut off, is an apparent boundary of the energy that cosmic ray particles can have. This is caused by interaction with cosmic background radiation. But Beane and co's paper argues that the pattern of this rule mirrors what you might expect from a computer simulation.
Naturally, at this point the science becomes pretty tricky to wade through - and we would advise you read the paper itself to try and get the full detail of the idea.
But the basic impression is an intriguing one.
Like a prisoner in a pitch-black cell, we may never be able to see the 'walls' of our prison -- but through physics we may be able to reach out and touch them.

jueves, 18 de octubre de 2012

martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

The Bemushroomed

"As your body lies there in its sleeping bag, your soul is free, loses all sense of time, alert as it never was before, living an eternity in a night, seeing infinity in a grain of sand. What you have seen and heard is cut as with a burin into your memory, never to be effaced. At last you know what the ineffable is and what ecstasy means.... The bemushroomed person is poised in space, a disembodied eye, invisible, incorporeal, seeing but not seen. In truth, he is the five senses disembodied, all of them keyed to the height of sensitivity and awareness, all of them blending into one another most strangely, until the person, utterly passive, becomes a pure receptor, infinitely delicate, of sensations."

Gordon Wasson

miércoles, 10 de octubre de 2012


La tierra se sacrifica por dar vida a la flora.
La flora se sacrifica por dar vida a la fauna.
La fauna se sacrifica por dar vida a la humanidad.
Y la humanidad se olvida del ciclo.

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Consejos sabios

Todo lo que es mono, simpático, original, y a la vez inútil: tiene filón.
