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lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

John Campbell

I have a firm belief in this now, not only in terms of my own experience, but in knowing the experiences of other people. When you follow your bliss, and by bliss I mean the deep sense of being in it, and doing what the push is out of your own existence—it may not be fun, but it’s your bliss and there’s bliss behind pain too.

You follow that and doors will open where there were no doors before, w

here you would not have thought there’d be doors, and where there wouldn’t be a door for anybody else.

... And so I think the best thing I can say is to follow your bliss. If your bliss is just your fun and your excitement, you’re on the wrong track. I mean, you need instruction. Know where your bliss is. And that involves coming down to a deep place in yourself."

Joseph Campbell, The Hero’s Journey, p. 217

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