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domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

Alan Watts, The Middle Way

..."But Brahman as One Reality is all-inclusive, for the Upanishads say, 'It is made of consciousness and mind: It is made of life and vision. It is made of the earth and the waters: It is made of air and space. It is made of anger and love
: It is made of virtue and vice. it is made of all that is near: It is made of all that is afar. It is made of all.'

What, then, is nonduality in terms of a state of mind? How does the mystic who has realized his identity with the One reality think and feel? Does his consciousness expand from out of his body and enter into all other things, so that he sees with others' eyes, and thinks with others' brains? Only figuratively, for the Self which is in him and in all others does not necessarily communicate to the physical brain of John Smith, mystic, what is seen by the eyes of Pei-wang, construction worker, on the other side of the earth. I do not believe spiritual illumination is to be understood in quite this sensational way. We shall answer the question sufficiently if we can discover what is a nondualistic state of mind. Does it mean a mind in so intense a state of concentration that it contains only one thought? Strictly speaking, the mind never contains more than one thought at a time; such is the nature of thinking. But if spirituality means thinking only and always of one particular thing, then other things are excluded and this is still duality. Does it mean, then, a mind which is thinking of everything at once? Even if this were possible, it would exclude the convenient faculty of thinking of one thing at a time and would still be dualistic. Clearly these two interpretations are absurd, but there is another way of approach.

Spiritual illumination is often described as absolute freedom of the soul, and we have seen that the One Reality is all-inclusive. Is the mind of the mystic singularly free and all-inclusive? If so, it would seem that his spirituality does not depend on thinking any special kinds of thoughts, on having a particular feeling ever in the background of his soul. He is free to think of anything and nothing, to love and to fear, to be joyful or sad, to set his mind on philosophy or on the trivial concerns of the world; he is free to be both a sage and a fool, to feel both compassion and anger, to experience both bliss and agony.

And in all this he never breaks his identity with the One Reality-God, 'whose service is perfect freedom.' For he knows that in whatever direction he goes and in whichever of these many opposites he is engaged, he is still in perfect harmony with the One that includes all directions and all opposites. In this sense, serving God is just living; it is not a question of the way in which you live, because all ways are included in God. To understand this is to wake up to your freedom to be alive."


Not 'you' the empirical ego, not 'you' who is just a kind of focus of conscious attention with memories that are strung together into what you call 'my everyday self.' Rather, it is the 'you' that is responsible for growing your hair, coloring your eyes, arranging the shape of your bones. The deeply responsible 'you' IS what is responsible for all this." 
Alan Watts

jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2012

HUNDERTWASSER: The Spiral Is The Symbol Of Life And Death

This spiral lies at that very point where inanimate matter is transformed into life.
I am convinced that the act of creation took place in form of a spiral. Our whole life proceeds in spirals.
Our earth describes a spiral course. We move in circles, but we never come back to the same point. The circle is not closed. We only pass the same neighbourhood many times. It is characteristic of a spiral that it seems to be a circle but is not closed.
The true spiral is not geometric but vegetative. It has swellings, becomes thinner and thicker and flows around obstacles who are in her way.

The spiral shows life and death in both directions. Starting from the center, the infinite small the spiral means birth and growth, but by getting bigger and bigger the spiral dilutes into the infinite space and dies off like waves who disappear in the calm waters.
On the contrary if the spiral condenses from outer space life starts from the infinite big, the spiral becomes more and more powerful and concentrates into the infinitely small which cannot be measured by man because it is beyond our conception and we call it death.

The spiral grows and dies like a plant - the lines of the spiral, like a meandering river, follow the laws of growth of a plant. It takes its own course and goes along with it. In this way the spiral makes no mistakes.

viernes, 21 de septiembre de 2012


La realidad, el sistema, la sociedad...son como un chiste o una adivinanza cuya respuesta es tan obvia que nos negamos a pensarla o darla por válida. Nos creémos antes mil locuras o historias retorcidas con tal de esquivar este hecho...

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Palabras curiosas


Es una palabra del idioma de los indígenas yámanas de Tierra del Fuego. Describe "una mirada entre dos personas, cada una de las cuales espera que la otra comience una acción que ambos desean pero que ninguno se anima a iniciar".


Es un descubrimiento o un hallazgo afortunado e inesperado que se produce cuando se está buscando otra cosa distinta.


Es la acción o hábito de postergar actividades o situaciones que deben atenderse, sustituyéndolas por otras situaciones más irrelevantes y agradables.


Crear o madurar argumentos complejos de aparente profundidad u originalidad pero carentes de fundamentos.


Se trata de un término incorporado al español proveniente del gallego, que se asemeja al de saudade en portugués y gallego, pero que contiene connotaciones aplicables únicamente a Galicia y al sentir melancólico gallego. Se utiliza en español en general para describir un sentimiento de tristeza por la lejanía del lugar de donde procede uno y de aquellas cosas, objetos y situaciones que lo evocan.

sábado, 15 de septiembre de 2012


..."How can you tell if you find genuine resonance with another individual?
When the two of you are engaged by interaction and the external world dissipates into non-existence
Within this non-existence you see the illusion of life
You understand that illusion is a lie because the connection resonating between each other reveals pure truth
This purity within that truth is the infinite,

the unbending and the constant
It is the gift of clarity and upon gaining unadulterated perception there is nothing but the steady vibration of continued realization being reborn every second eternally into impeccable form
You will find god in the presence each other
You will discover the infinite
You will become the saviors of the world and the saviors to each other’s soul."

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

El hipercuerpo

“El cuerpo contemporáneo sale fuera de sí mismo. […] intensificado por los deportes o las drogas, se confunde con un satélite, eleva brazos virtuales en el cielo, a lo largo de las redes de salud o de comunicación. Entonces se ata al cuerpo público y arde con el mismo calor, brilla con la misma luz que otros cuerpos-llamas. Luego regresa, transformado en una esfera casi privada, a veces aquí, a veces en todas partes, a veces en sí mismo, a veces mezclado. Un día se separa completamente del hipercuerpo y se apaga.”

Pierre Lévy

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

domingo, 9 de septiembre de 2012

La prepotencia de la ciencia

El pensamiento mágico no es un comienzo, un esbozo, una iniciación, la parte de un todo que todavía no se ha realizado; forma parte de un sistema bien articulado, independiente, en relación con esto, de ese otro sistema que constituirá la ciencia, salvo la analogía formal que las emparienta, que hace del primero una suerte de expresión metafórica de la segunda. Por tanto, en vez de oponer magia y ciencia, sería mejor colocarlas paralelamente como dos modos de conocimiento en cuanto a resultados teóricos y prácticos.

El arte de la guerra

El que gana una batalla es inteligente,
el que vence sin combatir es sabio.

Sun Tzú   - "El arte de la guerra" -    Siglo III a.C.

A los sádicos y masoquistas

¡Piu Avanti!
Si te postran diez veces, te levantas
Otras diez, otras cien, otras quinientas:
No han de ser tus caídas tan violentas
Ni tampoco, por ley, han de ser tantas.

No te des por vencido, ni aún vencido,
No te sientas esclavo, ni aún esclavo
Trémulo de pavor, piénsate bravo,
y arremete feroz ya mal herido.

Ten el tesón del clavo enmohecido,
Que ya viejo y ruin vuelve a ser clavo;
No la cobarde intrepidez del pavo,
Que amaina su plumaje al primer ruido.

Procede como un Dios, que nunca llora,
O como Lucifer, que nunca reza,
O como el robledal, cuya grandeza
Necesita del agua y no la implora...
¡Que muerda y vocifere vengadora,
Ya rodando en el polvo tu cabeza.

Pedro Bonifacio Palacios

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012


Precioso romanticismo:

The Weirding


No estamos locos

Y aquellos que fueron vistos bailando fueron tomados por locos por aquellos que no podían escuchar la música — F. Nietzsche